Unplug yourself – it’s magic!
7 Apr
“Almost everything will work better if you unplug it for a few minutes… including you.” I love this quote from author, Anne Lamont. Last month, I wrote about my addiction to filling far too much of the 24-hour day – a huge proportion with work – and not holding back on the socialising and granny-ing – so my brain seems to be permanently wired. Sleep is poor, because even when I clear my brain for rest, through breathing exercises and…
I am an addict
3 Mar
I have an addiction. What is it? It’s to stimulation. It’s to my brain buzzing away, being active with those gamma waves whirring – most of the time. Apparently it is illegal to work over 48 hours in a week in the UK… I don’t dare to add up the hours that I often work in a week – it is more than 48. In addition, it’s not all work and no play. Fiona doesn’t like to be a dull…
Love the way you sound, and others will too
3 Feb
How do you think you sound when you are speaking in public and under pressure? Do you like how you sound when you are under pressure? (Image credit: Anatomy of the Voice, by Theodore Dimon and illustrated by G. David Brown) I hear a lot, “I don’t mind speaking, and I am good at what I do but I don’t like the sound of my own voice.” A few things to unpick here. Your voice is an expression of…
Opportunity knocks and… goes away?
6 Jan
What if you don’t get the part? The job? The boy? The girl? The opportunity you have been yearning for? When I was a young actor, this was part of the deal. I went to a lot of auditions. You would be up for a role, and you got there, and, in some instances, it was a bit of a meat market. It would depend on the job, if it was a commercial casting there would be hundreds of us. Sometimes…
Are you serious? In what way?
2 Dec
If you are a serious person, being interviewed for a serious job, don’t you need to appear… serious? I am working with a client who has a fantastic CV. He has achieved huge things in his career; he works in education and has made a tremendous difference to young people’s lives, and he has been inspirational. Yet, preparing for the interview room, one of the things that appears to be uppermost in his mind is to appear serious in his delivery. He…
What makes us human?
4 Nov
Picture the scene: a fifteen-year-old boy talking in a class to twenty six other fifteen-year-old boys about loneliness. You could have heard a pin drop. Looking at the audience, the façade – and excuse me I am going to stereotype a bit here – of the teenage group as the masks they hid behind of, “I’m cool”, “I’m armour-plated”, and “I’m absolutely fine as I am”; slipped. He didn’t disclose any bullying or abuse, just a need for people to…
All I want for Christmas is… a million-pound advent calendar!!!
7 Oct
Have I gone mad? Do I want that for Christmas? Why am mentioning the “C” word in October?! I wrote a social media post about this recently, and wanted to expand on it in my blog post this month. I listen to the news, I do think it is important to keep up with national politics, have a view, vote with your eyes, heart and brain turned on. I enjoy listening to debate on the radio in the car –…
Doing the essential only, as a way of life
2 Sep
What books to take on a relaxing holiday – I love crime fiction, and I love novels, and I really devour them when I am on holiday. I try not to take books that are associated with work, however I am taking my copy of, “Essentialism”, by Greg McKeown. The subtitle is “The Disciplined Pursuit of Less”. Gotta be a good holiday read – no? Have you ever found yourself stretched too thin at home or at work? Me? Definitely…
Have you suffered from occupational burnout?
5 Aug
Have you ever found yourself slipping down that hole? What to do to stop the slip and rise up again? Stress in our working lives is a common thing, sometimes a bit of stress can be experienced as a good thing, a jolt of excitement. However, burnout is when you are under a huge amount of stress that isn’t exciting you, but instead, wearing you down. It is relentless. It is a symptom of prolonged periods of intense focus and…
Do you ever go over the top?
1 Jul
Do you ever go over the top? Now, this is a rather horrific over-exaggerated picture… of what my baby grandson Emile sees when I am looking at him!! Well, I did channel my inner ham actress for that one. I don’t REALLY look that mad. HONEST! It did occur to me, however, that lots of us probably do overdo the big wide face and smiley expressions for the benefit of babies; all sorts of contortions to get a smile! It…