Terms & Conditions

Terms of business


This website is owned and managed by LOCUS COACHING LTD (“Locus Coaching”, “us”, “we”, “our”).


These Terms and Conditions apply to any and all users of our website.


By accessing and using this website or our social media platforms (collectively “Website”) and/or by engaging us to provide you with our services, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions (“Terms”). If you do not agree to be legally bound by these Terms, you may not access or use our Website for the purposes of accessing our services.


These Terms must be read in conjunction with our Privacy Policy which is available on our Website. We are committed to ensuring the security and privacy of your information and our Terms and Privacy Policy explain in more detail the categories of information we collect from you, the purposes for and the manner in which the information is processed and used.



Contractual Relation


1.1 These Terms constitute a contractual relationship between Locus Coaching and the client (also referred to as “you”, “yourself”).


1.2 For the purposes of these Terms, Locus Coaching and the client shall collectively be referred to as “the Parties” and individually as “a Party”.


1.3 The Parties agree to be bound by these Terms for the purposes of the supply of services by Locus Coaching.



Nature of Services


2.1 Locus Coaching is based on the premise that you, and your situation and/or circumstance are the “Locus”, i.e., the central point from which all work starts. Our services are therefore designed to support you on your journey from your beginning point to the point you want to ultimately reach.


2.2 Our services can be categorised as communication confidence, skills and excellence coaching and training.


2.2.1 We run:

a) Open workshops and masterclasses

b) One-to-one coaching sessions

c) Bespoke training workshops and masterclasses/webinars for organisations (collectively “Services”)


2.2.2 Our Services cover all aspects of spoken communication face to face, either virtually (on screen) or person to person in the same actual space, or on the telephone. We cover the set pieces in terms of public speaking such as: speeches, presentations, pitches, and general “speaking in public” situations such as interviews, meetings, and person management. We can help you to understand your own preferred mode of communication and behaviour in order to connect positively with others.


2.2.3 For organisational teams we offer training on how to develop professional skills for the individuals that make up the team and to develop team spirit and success.


2.2.4 In addition, for individual clients we offer Havening Therapy to remove the debilitating effect of traumatic incidents lodged in your brain so that you can eliminate “blocks” in yourself that are holding you back from where you want to go in life and that are specifically holding you back from speaking up, standing out and being heard.


2.3 Clients interested in workshops can choose from an array of workshops, the details of which  are made available and updated on the Website. You will be able to sign up to standalone workshops such as Locus’s: “Breath of Life, Joyful Voice” workshop via the event management platform “Eventbrite” or from the Website. Alternatively, if you are interested in taking part in open workshops, masterclasses or one to one coaching sessions, you  can apply through the “Contact Us” page displayed on the Website, in which case you will be offered a complimentary and unconditional 30 [thirty] minute personal consultation with us so that we can jointly determine your requirements and whether we are a good “fit” to work with each other. You will subsequently be sent a proposal which you can decide to sign up for or not.


2.4 You agree that  while coaching sessions and customised workshops will be designed to cater to your specific requirements and objectives, deciding how to incorporate the coaching principles in your activities and implementing them is exclusively your responsibility.


2.5 Coaching sessions may be held in-person at agreed venues and times, or at an agreed  time over the telephone or online through the use of video-conferencing platforms


 2.6 Unless a workshop is specifically designed for children, in which case necessary consent,   if required will be obtained from legal guardians, our services are designed to be used by independent adults who are 18 [eighteen] years of age and above. We, through our coach, Fiona Whytehead (“the Coach”) also provide services to schools under the banner of “Words Aloud” or “Locus Coaching”. The Coach is DBS Enhanced (Disclosure and Barring Service Enhanced) and for further details please leave us an enquiry. Separate terms shall be applicable to services provided through schools and/or to children, which shall be made available on request, at the time of your enquiry in relation to such services and/or on your purchase of such services.


2.7 If you are a corporate/company/ public or third sector client (“Organisational Client”),booking coaching sessions or workshops for your staff (hereinafter “Staff Coachees”), these terms and conditions shall apply to both you and the Staff Coachees. The terms relating to booking of sessions and terms of payment for  Organisational  Clients outlined in paragraph 5 are specifically applicable to you if you are an Organisational Client.  


2.8  Our services do not include providing any emergency services of care/consultations for acute medical conditions or where medical treatment or diagnosis by a qualified physician or medical/healthcare expert are needed.


2.9 Save and except Havening Therapy, our coaching sessions and/or workshops (together “Sessions”) do not involve therapy, psychiatric or otherwise and/or any medical treatment or diagnosis. Our Services should therefore not be relied upon as therapy or treatment in lieu of therapy or treatment that one would normally seek from a qualified medical expert.


2.10 Our Services are in no way intended or designed to replace the services of the NHS [National Health Service] and/or any other qualified medical expert/physician or consultant.


2.11  If you are consulting with a therapist or qualified healthcare professional or were/are on medication or on a course of treatment prescribed by an NHS care provider and/or any other qualified medical expert, we encourage you to inform them about the services and Sessions that you are receiving from us.


2.12   For Clients receiving Havening Therapy– Havening is a psycho-sensory healing technique, that uses therapeutic touch to reduce emotional distress associated with negative memories. The Coach through havening endeavours to assist clients suffering from high emotional distress. Please note there are additional terms relating to Havening Treatment, which will be made available to you on request, at the time of your enquiry in relation to such services and/or on your purchase of such services.



Booking of Sessions


3.1 You can book Preliminary Consultations, and certain standalone workshops such as “Breath of Life, Joyful Voice” using the following details:

Email: fiona@locuscoaching.com / info@locuscoaching.com

Phone- +44(0) 7956118006

Booking form- https://www.locuscoaching.com/contact/



Payment and Terms of Payment


4.1 Our fee for the service that you wish to purchase will be communicated to you at the conclusion of the Preliminary Consultation, or on enquiry if you have decided to book without a preliminary consultation.


4.2 Fees for our services must be paid prior to the Session or where it is a series of Sessions prior to the first Session of the series, as applicable.


4.3 If you are unable to pay the fee up-front, in accordance with paragraph 4.2, a payment plan may be mutually agreed upon by the Parties. All payment plans will attract an additional fee of 10% of the total fee payable by the Client.


4.4 The terms of payment for Organisational Clients are outlined in paragraph 5 of these Terms.


4.5 Payments may be made online or via a bank transfer, the details of which will be shared with you when you book a Session/Sessions with us.


4.6 Payments may be made online using third party payments platforms. Please note that any third-party payment platform that we use shall be only for the purposes of receiving and processing payments. We encourage you to read the terms and conditions and the privacy policy relating to any third-party platforms or links made available to you through our Website. In addition, please note that Locus Coaching claims no rights of ownership to the Trade Marks and/or any other Intellectual Property relating to any third-party website and/or any content displayed or published on such websites, nor does it assume liability for any of the content published on or through such third-party websites.


4.7 Corresponding receipts relating to payments made by you will be generated and emailed to you for your records.


4.8 We reserve the right to not commence or to cease or suspend our Services to you, as applicable, until outstanding invoices have been paid in full.



Booking and Rescheduling of Sessions and Terms of Payment for Corporate Clients


5.1 Organisational Clients may book for group training sessions for specific teams or staff members.


Organisational Clients may also book individual coaching sessions for staff members and in this case the schedule and objectives of Coaching Sessions will be agreed between all three parties : the Coach, the Organisational Client, and the Staff Coachee.  This may necessitate a three-party meeting prior to starting the coaching sessions to agree details and to ensure that each party is signed up to the said objectives and understands the process.


5.2 The Staff Coachees agree to adhere to the schedule/time table set up to the best of their abilities.


5.3 For Sessions provided to Staff Coachees an invoice will be raised upon the Organisational Client. All invoices must be paid not later than 30 [thirty] days from the date of the invoice (“Due Date”). Where a single Session has been purchased by the Organisational Client, a single invoice will be raised prior to, or on the day of the Session. However, where a package has been purchased, for example 6 [six] Sessions over a period of 3 [three] months (which is a normal coaching package), two invoices can be raised in equal parts, before the commencement of the first and fourth Sessions respectively.


5.4 In the event an Invoice is not paid by the Due Date, we reserve the right to apply a late payment fee equivalent to 10% of the invoiced amount provided that the invoice is paid within 14 [fourteen] days of the Due Date. In the event the Invoice is delayed by 15 [fifteen] or more days from the Due Date, we reserve the right to apply a late payment fee equivalent to 20% of the invoiced amount provided hat the invoice is paid within 30 [thirty] days of the Due Date. All invoices delayed by 30 [thirty] days or more from the Due Date will be subjected to a late payment fee of 30% of the invoiced amount. Our right to charge a late payment fee shall be in addition to our right to cease all work until outstanding invoices have been paid in full.


5.5 All payments shall be made via a bank transfer or via a cheque, the details of which will be provided on the invoice.



6 Client Responsibilities


6.1 Client responsibilities


i Please note that you are responsible for your own development and implementing any action points agreed during the Sessions. The Coach will recommend action points which she thinks could enable you to reach your goal(s). You are free to accept, adjust or decline any recommendations made. It remains your responsibility at all times to take forward the actions recommended. Your commitment to building on the Sessions in between remains an important part of the process.


ii You shall be responsible for ensuring that you turn up for your Sessions on time and that you do not miss your Sessions.


iii In the case of Organisational Clients, the above responsibilities are applicable to Staff Coachees.





7 Data Collected


7.1 All the information supplied by you will be treated as confidential and only processed to provide the Services or as described in this section and in our Privacy Policy which should be read in conjunction with these Terms as they constitute important terms that apply to the collection, storage and use of your Personal Data.


7.2 For the purposes of Data Protection Laws the data controller is Locus Coaching Ltd.


7.3 The primary purpose for which we will collect and use your Personal Data is to provide our Services to you and/or for the conduct of our operations. In addition, Personal Data will be collected and used for the purposes of due diligence and identity verification.


7.4 We may make audio and video recordings of your Sessions for governance, quality control and monitoring purposes. These audio and video recordings will be shared exclusively with you and shall be made available on request. We assure you that all such Personal Data will be treated as confidential and will be held strictly in accordance with, and as long as required, under Data Protection Laws and our internal policies and procedures. By proceeding to purchase our Services, you consent to us making audio and video recordings of your Sessions for the above-mentioned purposes. This Clause 7.4 shall apply to Organisational Clients and Staff Coachees.


7.5 Whilst we encourage you to inform your therapist and/or any other qualified healthcare professional you may be consulting for any conditions, that you are receiving coaching or Services from us, we will not share your information with your therapist and/or any other qualified physician/medical expert unless we have your express written permission to do so or where there is an overriding public interest in disclosing the information without your consent or where your interests in terms of your health and safety over-ride our obligation of confidentiality. This is in accordance with the General Medical Council’s guidance which may from time-to-time change.


7.6 We may share aggregated anonymised data with third parties in order to monitor our services and to ensure consistent quality and safety relating to the services provided to clients. The Coach also reserves the right to describe in general terms the content of the Sessions in her professional supervisory sessions for the purpose of her continuing professional development. The Coach may also use examples in written or spoken professional presentations and papers, and for marketing purposes, however she undertakes that they will be strictly non-attributed to any individual or organisation. At no point will we/the Coach identify a client, Organisational Client or Staff Coachee, unless they have given their specific consent to this. Permission from the relevant party will always be sought by us/the Coach before any attributed feedback is used in our publicity material.


7.7 We will generally share your information/Personal Data with persons nominated as your “Emergency Contact” or where an “Emergency Contact” has not been nominated, with your next of kin or in the case of Staff Coachees, our point of contact at the Organisational Client, only in cases of emergencies where it is in the legitimate interest of the public or in the legitimate interest of our organisation or in the legitimate interest of the clients themselves for us to disclose the Personal Data or where your interests (health and safety) over-ride our obligation of confidentiality. For such circumstances it shall be deemed that you have consented to your information being shared with the recipient of the information.


7.8 In the case of Staff Coachees, any Personal Data and information relating to Sessions will be shared with the Organisational Client only subject to the Staff Coachee’s express written consent and only to the extent permitted by the Staff Coachee, unless disclosure has to be made under circumstances outlined in paragraph 7.7.


7.9 All notes and recordings that we make relating to your Sessions and any other details that you provide to us will be stored securely and will not be shared with third parties, unless the recipient of the information is an employee, independent contractor, or consultant of ours or is receiving the information in circumstances outlined in paragraphs 7.5, 7.7 and 7.8.


7.10 For the purposes of these Terms and our Privacy Policy, which should be read in conjunction with these Terms:

i “Data Protection Laws” shall refer to the UK GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations), the UK Data Protection Act 1998, the GDPR and any/other data protection legislation that applies to Locus Coaching.

ii “Personal Data” shall have the meaning given to it under the GDPR.






8 Rescheduling or cancellation of appointments


8.1  For the purposes of rescheduling or cancelling a Session, a minimum of 24 hours’ notice must be given to us, i.e., a request for rescheduling or cancelling a Session must be made at-least 24 hours prior to the original appointment.


8.2 Where you requested for a Session to be rescheduled, we will offer a new appointment subject to our availability and as far as possible within the overall time scale of the coaching program initially set up by you, unless it is a single Session, in which case the session shall be re-scheduled subject to our earliest availability. You shall be allowed up to two changes. In the event you wish to reschedule a Session for the third time, the Session shall be deemed forfeited. All forfeited Sessions shall be paid for in full.


8.3 In the event that the Staff Coachee(s) need to reschedule a Session due to an emergency, illness, or an unexpected work clash which they cannot move, the Coach will, subject to her availability, re-arrange the Session, as far as possible within the overall time scale of the coaching program initially set up. Staff Coachees shall be allowed up to two changes. In the event the Staff Coachees wish to reschedule a Session for the third time, the Session shall be deemed forfeited by the Staff Coachees and Corporate Clients. All forfeited Sessions shall be paid for in full.


8.4 The Coach may make up to two changes to the schedule of Sessions. In the unlikely circumstances of the Coach rescheduling an individual session for the third time, the Coach will offer an extra Session pro-bono or  shall reduce the overall fee.


9 Referrals


9.1 Subject to the Client’s consent, Locus Coaching may suggest or provide referrals of specialists where appropriate and suitable. We will always make best efforts to ensure that the most appropriate referral and recommendation is made where necessary.


9.2 We are aware of our level of competence and will advise you to seek support elsewhere if we feel an issue which arises explicitly or implicitly is beyond our own competence and/or outside the coaching remit (examples include situations that require financial advice, counselling, or psychotherapy, physical or mental diagnosis).


9.3 Our referrals may not specify a named individual consultant but are made on an ‘open referral’ basis specifying the appropriate specialty.


9.4 We warrant that as a general rule we do not earn any referral fee. Any referrals made by us will be to serve the clients’ best interests. We may undertake partnership or collaboration arrangements with other professional organisations where there may be payment involved for referral.  In such circumstances it will always be declared in advance as such.  However, it is in the client’s sole discretion to seek the services of persons recommended by us. Since referrals merely constitute recommendations, we cannot make any warranties as to the quality of services nor can we guarantee that the client will find the referral suitable. We do not assume liability for the referrals we make nor for the services provided by persons recommended by us.



10 Follow-ups


10.1 Follow-up sessions may be suggested on a case-by-case basis. We will recommend and encourage such number of follow-up sessions as we deem necessary to better realise your objectives. However, booking a follow-up session lies at your sole discretion.



11  Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability


11.1 Disclaimers


i The contents of our Website such as text, graphics, statistics, images, blogs, and any other content made available through our Website (“the Content”) are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for therapy or coaching, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.


ii Our services do not constitute professional medical advice and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Save and except as mentioned in these Terms, our Services do not involve therapy, psychiatric or otherwise and/or any medical treatment or diagnosis. Our Services should therefore not be relied upon as therapy or treatment in lieu of therapy or treatment that one would normally seek from a qualified medical expert. We always encourage the client to seek the advice of an NHS care provider, GP, or any other qualified health professional for any questions they may have regarding a medical condition or their health in general. We therefore assume no liability if the client relies on informative articles and/or Content published and made available on our Website.


iii  Some of our workshops such as “Breath of Life, Joyful Voice” workshop may entail the giving of certain instructions relating to breathing exercises, posture, and light movement. You agree to inform the Coach if you suffer from any conditions that do not allow you to do the above or if you need supervision. You also agree to undertake the breathing exercises and physical movements at your own risk. We always recommend that you do not undertake the breathing and/or physical exercises should you have any discomfort, concerns, physical or otherwise, or hesitations. On this premise we shall not be held liable for any consequences arising from or in connection with you undertaking the breathing and/or physical exercises.


iv The Parties agree that any comments made during our Sessions are expressions of opinion only. Also, the results of Sessions differ for different individuals and the success of our Services is largely dependent on the client’s own commitment and dedication towards these Sessions. You should not refer to the results gained by others from our Services as each individual’s experience and results will be unique.


v The outcomes described during our Sessions can neither represent nor guarantee the current or future experience, progress, or success of past, current or future clients.



11.2 Limitation of Liability


i Except as stated in this these Terms, we make no guarantees, representations or warranties of any kind or nature, explicit or implicit with respect to the Services agreed upon and rendered.


ii We do not assume liability for the outcome of the Sessions, as, the result of our Services depends on a number of factors including without limitation, the client’s own commitment, discipline, motivation and dedication towards their goals and their approach and attitude towards coaching and/or training.


iii We are not liable to you or any third party for any indirect, consequential, or special damages.


iv Subject to the terms outlined in paragraph 11 (Disclaimers and Limitation of Liability) and notwithstanding any damages that you may incur, our entire liability under this these Terms, and your exclusive remedy, shall not exceed the total price of the Sessions that you have paid to us for our Services.


v We do not warrant that our Services, information, content, or other services included on or otherwise made available to you through our servers or electronic communication sent by us are free of viruses or other harmful components. We will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of our Services, or from any information or content and/or services, included on or otherwise made available to you through our Website, including, but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive and consequential losses and/or damages, unless otherwise specified in writing.


vi We will not be responsible for delays outside our control. If the supply of Services is delayed by an event outside our control, such as a Force Majeure Event, we will contact you as soon as possible to let you know and we will take steps to minimise the impact of the delay. Provided that we do this, we will not be liable for delays caused by the event. Should there be a risk of substantial delay (30 days or more) you may contact us so that we may mutually determine the possibility of a refund or credit that can be used in the future.


vii Our clients are not permitted to use our coaching/workshop content, material and/or programs (together “Our Content”) for distribution to third parties. Should you make unauthorised use of our Content for servicing third parties we will not be held liable for the consequences thereof.



12 Insurance


12.1 At Locus Coaching we maintain professional indemnity insurance.



 13 Intellectual Property


13.1 The Parties agree that all the Sessions and Content are owned exclusively by Locus Coaching and all the Trade Marks, logos and Content published on our Website are the sole and exclusive property of Locus Coaching.


13.2 You and/or where applicable the Staff Coachee, may refer to the Content for reference and information purposes only and/or for the purposes of receiving our Services under these Terms. However, you are not permitted to reproduce, publish, distribute, or communicate to third parties our Content. Doing the above-mentioned acts without our express consent will constitute a violation of our Intellectual Property Rights, entitling us to seek remedies available at law and/or equity.



14 Confidential information


14.1 The Parties hereby acknowledge that during the course of a Session or during the course of a dealing, the Parties may be given access to each other’s Confidential Information and data relating to each other or each other’s businesses. For the purposes of these Terms, “Confidential Information” shall mean any information supplied by one Party to the other during the course of this Agreement and/or any information relating to a Party that is not in the public domain. Confidential Information does not include information to the extent that it is independently developed or known by the other Party (including because it is in the public domain) or required to be disclosed by law.


For the purposes of these Terms, the Party supplying the Confidential Information shall be referred to as “the Owning Party” and the recipient of the Confidential Information shall be referred to as “the Receiving Party”.


14.2 Obligations of Non-Disclosure and Non-Use


i Unless otherwise agreed to in advance and in writing by the Owning Party, the Receiving Party will not, except as required by law or under a court order, use the Confidential Information for any purpose other than for the purposes of these Terms. In addition, neither Party will disclose the Confidential Information belonging to the Owning Party, to any third party nor use it for the benefit of themselves or of any third party.


ii Locus Coaching may disclose your Confidential Information:


a To its employees, independent contractors, free-lancers, consultants, partners, or co-workers (as applicable) on a “need to know basis” only which means that Locus Coaching may disclose the Confidential Information only to those of its employees, independent contractors, freelancers, consultants, partners, or co-workers who need to know such information for the performance of Services and/or for the conduct of our business

b Where maintaining confidentiality conflicts with Locus Coaching’s duty of care

c When an issue arises that Locus Coaching believes needs to be referred elsewhere. However, Locus Coaching will discuss this with the client first

d For the purposes outlined in paragraphs 7.5, 7.6,7.7 and 7.8.


By purchasing our Services you agree to your information being disclosed to the parties and in the manner outlined in paragraph 14.2(ii) of these Terms.



15 Force Majeure

15.1 Force Majeure means any event or combination of events or circumstances beyond the control of a Party which cannot:

a by the exercise of reasonable diligence, or

b despite the adoption of reasonable precaution and/or alternative measures be prevented, or caused to be prevented, and which materially and adversely affects a Party’s ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement/these Terms.

A Force Majeure event shall include without limitation, acts of God, fire, storm, flood, earthquake, explosion, accident, acts of the public enemy, war, rebellion, insurrection, sabotage, epidemic, pandemic, quarantine restrictions, lockdown, government sanctions, labour dispute, labour shortage, power shortage, shortage of raw material, lack of access to any equipment or materials, ceasing to be entitled to access the internet for whatever reason, server crashes, deletion, corruption, loss or removal of data, transportation embargo, failure or delay in transportation, any act or omission (including laws, regulations, disapprovals or failures to approve) of any government or government agency and/or any other analogous event.


15.2 If Locus Coaching is wholly or partially precluded from complying with its obligations under these Terms and Conditions by Force Majeure, then its obligation to perform in accordance with the Agreement and Terms will be governed by Clause 11.2.(vi).


16 Feedback


16.1 We welcome all feedback. All feedback can be given via email to fiona@locuscoaching.com


16.2 We will seek constructive feedback from you on the process and on the work that we’ve done with you. You are free to give us feedback at any time.


16.3 Although we strive to provide our clients with the best possible experience, in the event you are dissatisfied with our Services we will always endeavour to resolve the issue quickly and easily. We encourage you to use open and honest communication with us if you are not getting what you need from the coaching relationship. We aim to prioritise the client’s needs. Either Party can dissolve the relationship at any time by giving a 14 days’ written notice (“Notice Period”). However, prior to that, it is the responsibility of the Partis to discuss the matter together. All Sessions completed and paid for or scheduled to take place within the Notice Period shall not be refunded.


17 Severance


17.1 If any term or provision of these Terms is or becomes invalid, illegal, or unenforceable for any reason by any court of competent jurisdiction, such provision shall be severed from the Terms. Any modification to, or severance of a provision under these Terms shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these Terms.

The remainder of the provisions shall continue in full force and effect as if these Terms had been agreed with the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision eliminated.



18 Governing Law and Dispute Resolution


18.1 This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of England.


18.2 While we do not anticipate this and will always strive to make our clients happy, in the event of any dispute arising from, or as a result of these Terms, the Parties agree to resolve it by amicable settlement. Should all efforts at amicable settlement fail (such efforts lasting for not less than 30 [thirty] days from the date on which the grievance or dispute arose) the Parties shall refer the dispute to a mutually appointed mediator, who shall be a neutral person with no ties to any Party. The costs of appointing the mediator shall be borne equally by the Parties. The Parties agree to uphold the settlement arrived at, at the conclusion of mediation. Should mediation fail, the courts of England shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes arising under these Terms.


19 Entire Agreement


19.1 These Terms contain the entire agreement between the Parties relating to the subject matter and at the time of dealing with us supersede any previous agreements, arrangements, undertakings, or proposals, oral or written.


Locus Coaching reserves the right to vary these Terms and we request you to refer to these Terms at regular intervals to ensure that you stay completely updated.


If you want to liberate and enjoy your voice, be in control when speaking, and make successful connections…

Get in touch with me, Fiona Whytehead for details about what Locus Coaching can do for you